
Caroline Frost Consultancy_Logo smaller PNG copyDemands on Leaders in business have never been tougher.  It’s a cliche to talk about the speed of change, or the pace of technological progress.  Against this backdrop there’s a huge demand for leaders who can inspire and motivate, staying focused on the goals of the business.

In my opinion, Leadership starts as an internal ‘job’.  Leaders need to understand themselves first, to be aware of their strengths and areas for improvement.  To be aware of the impact they have on the people around them .  The Personal Mastery aspect of Leadership can not be underestimated…. it’s an inside/out job (aka Stephen Covey’s Habits 2 and 3).

I work with you to develop a programme for your Leaders which can include any of the following:

Collaboration skills

Strategic thinking


Building a high performing team

Influencing skills

Building Trust under Pressure


Any training course for Leaders works best when it’s supported by coaching and mentoring.   I am happy to help to set this up and train any potential coaches in the business, or indeed to provide coaching support  to delegates myself, where appropriate.

What people have said about my Leadership training:

Caroline’s Leadership development courses work on ensuring individuals exceed their own, as well as others’ expectations‘  Sue R,  General Manager, US Head Office

She has great skill in ensuring that all participants in a group discussion – irrespective of how loud or timid they may be  – have a fair share of voice.   Sessions she runs generate many aha moments of enlightenment.   I am very grateful for the investment she made in my development as a Manager and Leader’    Mike W, Chief Content officer.

The content of the course was spot on and really helpful.  You have been absolutely fantastic!’  comment from evaluation forms.

Caroline is an extremely focused and professional training consultant capable of writing and delivering training and development programmes that involve and enlighten staff from entry level positions to business leaders.  Always completely immersed and driving her programmes to ensure maximum satisfaction and complete delegate involvement, she has helped me to develop both personally and professionally over the last 18 months.   

Post course, her coaching and mentoring has been outstanding and she has continued to assist me in delivering a more comprehensive and beneficial contribution in my business role.  ‘

Rupert Pontin, Director of Valuations at Eurotax Glass.